“Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.”

Be like Bonhoeffer.



The purpose of “Evangelical Pastor’s Alliance For Israel Against Antisemitism” is not only to stand together in support of Israel which is on the frontlines of ideologies, in an existential fight against those who seek the destruction of Western Civilization—but also to stand against all forms of antisemitism—purposed instead to embody and promote truth, courage, love, respect and the intrinsic value of every human being.

The Context

The context of our times is seeped with a growing trend of antisemitism throughout the world, as many of our Jewish friends feel increasingly vulnerable and under threat—even to the point of being killed.

Antisemitism, often called the longest hatred in human history, is now raising its head in the form of anti-Zionism which is the promotion of the idea that the land of Israel is not the historic and ancestral home of the Jewish people. This lie is the fertilizer of the false narrative that Israel is “the oppressor” in “occupied Arab land,” feeding the delusion that murder and rape against Jews is a justified response. Anti-Zionism is nothing more than the call for the destruction of the State of Israel—which, essentially, means all Jews, including those who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah.

As Christian leaders we cannot, not, see what we are seeing or pretend it isn’t real! We believe that remaining silent, in the face of evil, which by nature is similar to a desensitizing cancer which destroys, is tantamount to being complicit. Or as German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who opposed the evil of Hitler and the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.”

The church today must not make the same mistakes that many in the German church made during the rise of Nazism which began overtly isolating and targeting Jews.

Therefore, we call on every follower of Jesus throughout California (and the entire world) to commit to praying for and protecting all Jews in order to fight against the insanity and demonic delusion of antisemitism, anti-Zionism, radical Islamism, replacement theology, and other attacks on Israel and the Jewish people as we seek to bring forth the truth!

Read more about our vision.

Our Calling

Will You “Be Like Bonhoeffer?”
and Join Us In This Critical Hour?

Supported By

  • Greg Denham

    Pastor, Rise Church San Marcos

  • Jack Hibbs

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills

  • Daniel Bentley

    Pastor, Maranatha Chapel

  • Rob Salvato

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Vista

  • Steve Willburn

    Pastor, Core Church

  • Neil Hoffman

    Pastor, Foothills Church 

  • James Kaddis

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Signal Hill

  • Mike McClure

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel San Jose

  • Tom Hughes

    Pastor, 412 Church Temecula

  • Tim Thompson

    Pastor, 412 Church Temecula

  • Pancho Juarez

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Montebello

  • Dan Leitz

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Oceanside

  • Dave Menard

    Pastor, Mission Church Carlsbad

  • Jason Duff

    Pastor, Garden Fellowship Palm Desert 

  • Joe Pedick

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel of the Harbour

  • Steve Wiggins

    Pastor, and Founder of Groundworks Ministries

  • Scott Volk

    Pastor, and Founder of Together For Israel

  • Todd Morehead

    Co-creator producer “Hope In The Holy Land”

  • Kenny Montalvo

    Lead Pastor Iglesia Hispana Maranatha Chapel

  • Justin Kron

    Co-creator and producer “Hope In The Holy Land”

  • Charlie Campell

    Pastor and Founder of "Always Be Ready Ministries"

  • Brian Bauer

    Pastor, Grace San Marcos

  • Bob Botsford

    Pastor, Horizon Christian Fellowship San Diego

  • Jay McCarl

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Georgetown Divide

  • Jeff Martin

    Pastor, Calvary Cameron Park

  • Stephen Apple

    Pastor, Calvary Tel Aviv

  • Rich Alverdes Jr

    Pastor, Calvary Snohomish

  • Ken Graves

    Pastor, Calvary Chapel Bangor Maine

  • Ben Schettler

    President, and Co-founder of The Center for Truth in Love

  • David Conine

    Pastor, Calvary Spokane Valley

  • Pete Denham

    Associate Pastor, Rise Church San Marcos

  • Aaron Shust


  • Andy Cook

    Pastor, and Founder of Experience Israel Now and BibleStock

  • Rob McCoy

    Pastor, Godspeak Calvary Chapel

  • Charlie Olson

    Pastor, Southwick Bible Church